- 船都已出海。The boats are all out at sea.
- 船都已出海.The boats are all out at sea.
- 他们都已出海。They are all out at sea.
- 都all
- 此时,我们都已劳累不堪。我们满是水泡的手好象再向前拉一步船都不行了。By now we were utterly exhausted, and felt as though our blistered hands could not pull the boat a yard farther.
- 渔船已出海, 在海湾用拖网捕鱼。The boat were out trawling the bay.
- 都不neither
- 船都有一定的排水量。A ship displaces a certain amount of water.
- 全船都搁浅To be aground full length of vessel
- 他的土地都已被没收。His lands were forfeit.
- 安东尼奥的一封信,信上说他所有的船都在海上遇险失事了,Rived from Antonio saying that all his ships had been lost at sea and that he
- 新居住区的地块都已划定。New residential districts are all plotted out.
- 很多天来海盗拉尔夫一直在海上出没,很多船都遭到他的抢劫。For many days, Ralph the Rover scoured the seas, and many were the ships that he plundered.
- 典礼的各项安排都已就绪。Arrangements for the ceremony have been put in train.
- 很多天来海盗拉尔夫一直在海上出没,很多船都遭到他的抢劫。For many days, Ralph the rover scoured the seas, and many were the ships that he plundered
- 一切都已操办。It had all been arranged.
- 所有的船都沉了。All the craft were sunk.
- 契约双方都已在文件上签了字。The contractors from both sides have executed the documents.
- 暴风雨过后,小船都在飘流着。after the storm the boats were adrift.
- 布景、道具和服装都已准备齐全。The sets, props and costumes were all ready.