- 航天成像光谱仪CHRISSpaceborne imaging spectrometry CHRIS
- 稳态大视场偏振干涉成像光谱仪原理及调制度分析Principle and Modulation Depth Analysis of Static Larger Field of View Polarized Interference Imaging Spectrometer
- 航天space flight
- 显微偏振干涉成像光谱仪中景深对系统分辨力的影响Influence of Depth of Field on Resolution of a Microscope Polarization Interference Imaging Spectrometer
- 北京航空航天大学BJ University of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- 小型线形可变滤光片分光的可见成像光谱仪及其特性研究Research of Image Spectrometer using Linear Variable Interference Filter
- 南京航空航天大学Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(NUAA)
- 光谱仪spectrograph
- 航天技术space technology
- 计算层析成像光谱仪中二元光学元件的研究Study of a binary optical element applied in computered tomography image formation spectrometer
- 航天通信space-space communication
- 偏振干涉成像光谱仪分束器性能研究及几何像差分析Research on Properties and Analyses of Aberrations of Beam-splitters in the Polarization Interference Imaging Spectrometers
- 早年对军用火箭进行的实验为发展航天技术奠定了基础。Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel.
- 刻木成像carve the wood into a figure.
- 航天的astronautical
- 红外光谱仪infrared spectrometer
- 红外显微成像器infrared microimager
- 航天事业space cause
- 钙成像calcium image
- 高分辨率成像光谱仪high resolution image spectrometer