- 对一些呆板的,胸襟狭小的人没有事情可以扰乱臭屁的信念。Nothing disturbs the smug beliefs of some prim, narrow-minded people.
- 屁to break wind
- 臭stink
- 屁眼asshole
- 臭的odoriferous
- 臭美show off shamelessly; be disgustingly smug
- 马屁精kiss-ass
- 除臭deodorization
- 马屁crupper
- 臭鼬skunk
- 跟屁虫1.one's shadow; to tag along; 2. flatterer, boot licker, ass-kisser, brown-noser
- 防臭deodorize
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 屁事trifling matter; a mere nothing; nothing worth speaking of
- 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。Many heads are better than one.
- 不必劳驾来拍我马屁。我可是个老资格,才不吃那一套哩。Don't bother buttering up to me. I'm too old a hand to be won over by flattery.
- 臭脸dirty look
- 关你屁事None of your bussiness.
- 臭名reclame
- 拍老板马屁to toady to a boss