- 脂溶性Afat-soluble A
- 脂溶性fat-soluble
- 脂溶性维生素Afat-soluble A
- 维生素A是脂溶性的,所以长期采食不可消化的油质可导致缺乏症。Vitamin A is fat soluble so deficiencies can occur with long term ingestion of non-digestible oils.
- 脂溶性Afat-soluble A
- 脂溶性的fat-soluble
- 高脂溶性fat-solubility
- 脂溶性物质fat soluble substance
- 脂溶性杂质oil-soluble impurities
- 脂溶性成分liposoluble constituent
- 脂溶性学说lipid soiubility theory
- 脂溶性部分fatty contents
- 脂溶性含量lipophilic content
- 脂溶性EGCGEGCG myristate
- 脂溶性成务Fat-soluble components
- 脂溶性染料Fat-soluble dyes
- 脂溶性色素Lipid-soluble pigment
- 脂溶性尼格Bfat nigrosine B
- 脂溶性化合物fat-soluble compound
- 脂溶性尼格GDfat nigrosine GD