- 胎儿DNAFetal DNA
- 游离胎儿DNAcell-free fetal DNA
- 孕妇血浆中的游离胎儿DNA及其意义Cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma and its clinical significance
- 孕妇血浆中胎儿DNA的数量变化的研究Study of the quantitative change of fetal DNA in maternal plasma
- 孕妇外周血中胎儿DNA水平的检测用于诊断先兆早产Role of Measuring the Concentration of Circulating Non-host fetal DNA of Pregnant Women Plasma in Premature Delivery
- 胎儿fetus
- 孕妇外周血中游离胎儿DNA的检测在早产预测中的价值The value of the detection of cell-free fetal DNA in maternal plasma on the prediction of the preterm labour women using fluorescent quantitative PCR
- 胎儿的fetal
- 孕妇外周血中胎儿DNA水平检测在子痫前期诊断中的应用Study on the relation between concentration of circulating non-host fetal DNA in pregnant women and pre-eclampsia
- DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- 胎儿血红蛋白fetal hemoglobin
- 复制DNArepetition DNA
- 用超声波检查胎儿to search the foetus with an ultrasonic generator
- dna沟dna groove
- 胎儿软骨发育不全[医] fetal achondroplasty
- 胎儿期period of fetus
- 总DNATotal DNA
- 是胎儿引起的!From the baby!