- 胆酸-HP-β-CD包合物CA-- HP--β-- CD Clathrate
- 连翘酯苷-β-CD包合Inclusion Complex of Forsythiaside with β-Cyclodextrin
- HP-β-环糊精包合物hydroxypropyl -β-cyclodextrin
- 物matter
- 研究了联苯/环糊精(BP/CD)包合物的联苯释放过程。This paper deals with the releasing process of BP in BP / CD inclusion com-pound.
- 注射用大蒜油HP-β-CD包合物Garlic oil HP-β-CD inclusion complexes for injection
- 双核Cd(Ⅱ)环合物bicadmium(Ⅱ) macrocyclic complexes
- 包合物的迁移inclusion migration
- 铝螯合物aluminium chelate compound
- 表面缔合物surface associate
- 铂氨合物platinammines
- 笼形(包合)物clathrate
- 钚螯合物plutonium chelate
- 铵铜合物ammonium cuprate
- 硫脲加合物thiourea adduct
- 杂合物heterocomplex
- 醚合物etherate
- 尿素缩合物urea condensate
- 搀合物intermixture
- 鳌合物chelat