- 耐盐雾性salt spray resistance
- 耐盐Salt tolerance
- 耐盐雾salt spray resistance
- 耐盐的halo tolerant
- 耐盐性salt endurance
- 耐盐种salt-enduring species
- 耐盐菌salt-tolerant bacteria
- 耐盐力Salt tolerance
- 用SSR标记研究不同耐盐特性四倍体紫花苜蓿的遗传多样性Genetic Diversity of Autotetraploid Alfalfa with Different Salt-tolerant Trait Based on SSR Marker Analysis
- 转甜菜碱醛脱氢酶基因水稻种子萌发和苗期耐盐性的研究A Study On Seed Germination and Seedling Salt-tolerance of the Transformed Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene Rice
- 植物表达载体构建和转基因烟草抗除草剂及耐盐性的分析Construction of Plant Expression Vector and Analysis of Herbicide-resistance and Salt -tolerance of Transgenic Tobacco
- 耐盐性的salt tolerant
- 耐盐作物salt-tolerant crop
- 耐盐基因Salt tolerant gene
- 耐盐真菌halotolerant fungi
- 耐盐机理mechanism of salt resistance
- 耐盐生理physiological characteristics of salt-tolerance
- 耐盐植物Halophytes
- 耐盐细菌Halotolerant bacteria