- 海外反商业贿赂法Foreign Anti- Bribery Practices Act
- 美国United States
- 法law
- 美国海外私人投资公司;United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation;
- 无法unable
- 反腐败combat corruption
- 海外overseas
- 反anti-
- 位于美国海外资产监管局United States Office of Foreign Assets Control
- 腐败corruption
- 用法usage
- 美国的stateside
- 在美国stateside
- 说法statement
- 美国人American person
- 反腐败;fight corruption;
- 美国海外服务志愿机构理事会;American Council of Voluntary Agencies for Foreign Service;
- (六)加强和改进党的作风建设,深入开展反腐败斗争。6. Strengthen and improve the Party's style of work and intensify the struggle against corruption.
- 美国海外冒险主义:二战以来的30宗入侵、干涉与政权变更American Adventurism Abroad: 30 Invasions, Interventions, and Regime Changes since World War II
- 这是一场反腐败的运动。It's a crusade against corruption.