- 罂红Aerioglaucine A
- 毛罂红erythroglancin
- 弱酸性红Aweak acidic scarlet A fluorescent dye
- 罂红Aerioglaucine A
- 红A字(昔时被判通奸罪者所带的标记)scarlet letter
- 羊毛罂红erioglaucine
- 现在他在接连打出红A、k 和J 。Now he's play out a k of heart.
- 依来罂红erioglaucine
- 现在他在接连打出红A、K和J。Now he played out a,k,and j of heart.
- 罂earthen jar with small mouth
- 不仅A而且not merely A but also B
- 毛罂红,红灰青素Erythroglaucin
- 把A误以为take A for B
- 把A视为looked upon A as B
- 玫瑰红rose colour
- 罂酸linoleic acid
- 玫红rhodo
- 毛罂蓝Osetoglaucine O
- 把A比喻compare A to B
- 染红incarnadine