- 缅甸Myanmar (Burma)
- 区块block
- 缅甸语Burmese
- 缅甸M区块M Block in Myanmar
- 缅甸的Burmese
- D区块Block D
- 在缅甸最北端和临近中国及印度的地区说的藏--缅甸语。Tibeto-Burman languages spoken in northernmost Burma and adjacent China and India.
- 号区块comprehensive techniques to control lost circulation
- 分区块blockette
- 缅甸在中国的南面。Myanmar is to the south of China.
- 卡4区块Ka4-region
- 在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.
- 69区块sixty-nine block
- 缅甸电影Burma, cinema in
- 润湿反转提高压裂液返排技术在吉林油田新119区块的应用Application of Wettability Reversal Technique for Improving Fracturing Fluid Flow-back in Xinli 119 Block of Jinlin Oilfield
- 缅甸戏剧Burmese Theatre
- 中Ⅲ区块Ⅲ block
- 缅甸美术Burmese art
- 汪深1区块Wangshen 1 block
- 缅甸舞蹈dance of Burma