- 维生素B1制药废水wastewater from vitamin B1 pharmaceutical factory
- 维生素B1生产废水wastewater from vitamin B1 production
- 制药tragacanth
- 硫胺素(亦称维生素B1):有机化合物,维生素B复合体的一种,为日常饮食所必需。"Thiamine (vitamin B1)Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carbohydrate metabolism."
- 废水liquid waste
- 好氧共基质代谢条件下处理制药废水的实验研究Experimental Study on Aerobic Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater in the Condition of Co-metabolism
- 应该注意,辐照食物并不是唯一可能会破坏如维生素B1和C等营养的方法。It should be noted that food irradiation is not the only way in which nutrients such as vitamins B1 and C may be destroyed.
- 水解酸化-厌氧-好氧法处理NF合成制药废水研究Treatment of pharmacy wastewater from NF synthetic process by a hydrolyze acidification-anaerobic-aerobic process
- 结果表明 :稻谷陈化过程中维生素B1和B2含量损失严重 ;The results showed that both contents of V B1 and V B2 decreased significantly in high temperature.
- 吸附-氧化-生化处理环丙沙星制药废水的试验研究A Study of Ciprofloxacin Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment by Adsorption - Oxidation - Biological Treatments
- 掺假维生素B1片Adulterate Vitamine B1 Tablets
- 制药废水pharmacy waste water
- 介孔负载维生素B1mesoporous suppouted vitamin-B1
- 复合型改性木质素絮凝剂处理抗生素类化学制药废水的研究Treatment of Antibiotics Pharmaceutical Effluent with a Novel Compound Modified Lignin-Based Flocculant
- 猪肉里含有丰富的维生素B1.Pork is rich in vitamin B1.
- 糖醇制药废水xylose and xylitol pharmaceutical wastewater
- 猪肉里含有丰富的维生素B1Pork is rich in vitamin B1.
- 生物制药废水biological pharmaceutical waste water
- 注射用甲硫氨酸维生素B1Methionine and Vitamin B1 for injection
- 混合制药废水multiple pharmacy wastewater