



  1. 推测结果是竞选可能会失败。
    The presumable result is an election defeat.
  2. 我们想使他改变主意,结果是白费心机。
    We tried in vain to make him change his mind.
  3. 我以为他要请客,但结果是各付各的。
    I think he was treating, but it turned out to be a Dutch treat.
  4. 买进那些股票的建议结果是错误的——自从我买进后,价格持续下跌。
    The advice to invest in those shares turned out to be a bum steer-their value has fallen steadily since I bought them.
  5. 当亨利初次约会的对象结果是晚会上最美的姑娘时,轮到亨利来取笑我们大家了。
    Henry had the laugh on all of us when his blind date turned out to be the prettiest girl at the party.
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