- 结构化P2P覆盖网structured P2P overlay
- Chord是基于覆盖网的典型分布式结构化P2P(Peer-to-peer)系统,其相邻节点在IP Net-work上可能相距很远,从而导致网络访问速度大大降低.Because Chord is a typical distributed structured peer-to-peer (P2P) system based on overlay network, the distance between two adjacent peers may be very far on IP network, and the network access speed is greatly reduced.
- 无结构化P2Punstructured P2P
- 网network
- P2P覆盖网络P2P Overlay Network
- 结构化覆盖网structured overlay network
- 化to make into
- 结构structure
- 结构化P2P环境structured P2P network environment
- 该机制采用Chord算法将位于副本定位服务顶层的全局副本目录节点组成一个P2P覆盖网络,从而起到均衡负载、提高性能的目的。It organizes the global replica index nodes which are at the top level of replica location service into a P2P overlay network by Chord in order to achieve load balance and performance improvement.
- 结构化P2Pstructured P2P
- P2P覆盖网P2P overlay
- 语义覆盖网semantic overlay network
- 非结构化P2Punstructured P2P
- 覆盖网构造overlay construction
- 结构化P2P网络structured P2P network
- 覆盖网多播overlay muhicast
- 结构化P2P系统structured P2P system
- 覆盖网分割overlay partitioning
- 结构化structuring