- 绒面ZnO薄膜textured ZnO film
- 面side
- 绒面ZnOtextured ZnO
- 薄膜film
- 绒woolen
- ZnO薄膜紫外受激发射研究的最新进展Recent Advance in Research on Ultraviolet Stimulated Emission for ZnO Films
- 毛圈绒面表面细密、带短绒的布,类似地毯A dense, low-pile surface, as in carpeting, resembling such cloth.
- AlN/Si衬底上ZnO薄膜的择优取向生长Oriented ZnO thin films prepared on AIN/Si substrates
- 绒面呢织得很密的羊毛面料,采用针织或采取斜纹织法,最后添光泽A densely textured woolen cloth with a plain or twill weave and a lustrous finish.
- 退火对溅射ZnO薄膜的形貌和内应力的影响Effect of annealing on surface morphology and residual stress of sputtered ZnO thin film
- 防尘绒面革dust proof suede
- 不同衬底生长ZnO薄膜的结构与发光特性研究The Structure and PL Spectrum of ZnO Films Grown on Different Substrates
- 华丽浴巾的厚绒面the thick pile of a luxurious bath towel
- 固体源化学气相沉积生长c轴平行于衬底的ZnO薄膜ZnO Films Synthesized by Solid-Source Chemical Vapor Deposition with c-Axis Parallel to Substrate
- 羊毛与绒面呢,或一把棉籽与一匹平纹细布之间的差别更大。The difference is greater still between the fleece of a sheep, or a handful of cotton seeds, and a web of muslin or broad cloth;
- ZnO薄膜ZnO thin film
- 猪绒面革pig suede leather
- 离子束反应溅射ZnO薄膜的晶体结构及光学、电学性质研究Structures and Properties of ZnO Films Grown by Ion Beam Sputtering
- 绒面沙发.a moquette sofa
- p-ZnO薄膜p-ZnO film