- 细缆Novell局域网的规划Planning of Novell Local Networks with Thin Cables
- NOVELL局域网的工程设计与实现Design and implimentation of NOVELL LAN
- 细缆以太网thin Ethernet
- 这是细缆环境下最好的收发器。This is the perfect transceiver for thin coax environments.
- 高校图书馆无线局域网的规划与优化Planning and Optimization of a Wireless Local Area Network to Academic Libraries
- 城市规划city's landscaping plan; urban planning
- 那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价。Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.
- 职业规划occupational planning
- 超细纤维superfine fibre
- 那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价。Those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.
- 这意味着你可以过渡到DTR上来改进局域网的性能而无须重写程序或重新训练用户。This means you can migrate to DTR to improve your LANs performance without rewriting code or retraining users.
- 农村发展的规划已制定出来了。The directions of rural development have been marked out.
- 无线局域网的搭建wireless LAIN structures
- 结合工作经验,对GSM无线网络的规划流程、方法和相关话务预测模型进行分析探讨。It discusses the GSM network planning procedure, methods and related traffic prediction model.
- 局域网的网格计算平台Grid computing platform within LAN
- 在数据通信中,由ieee推荐的一种标准,用于处理局域网的物理层和数据链路层。In data communications, a proposed standard by IEEE for local area networks dealing with the physical and data link layers.
- 制定城市建设的规划to start a plan for the city construction
- 基于无线局域网的语音VOWLAN
- 州政府对电子工业发展的规划作了详尽的解释。The state government gave a very comprehensive explanation of its plans for the development of electronic industry.