- 纤维素合成酶基因cDNAcellulose synthase gene cDNA
- 毛白杨纤维素合成酶基因(PtoCesA1)克隆、序列分析及其植物表达载体的构建Study on Cellulose Synthase Gene of Chinese White Poplar:Cloning,Sequencing and Construction of Higher Plant Expression Vector
- 纤维素合成酶Cellulose synthase
- 以毛白杨形成层为材料克隆了毛白杨纤维素合成酶基因(PtoCesA1),序列分析表明该基因序列为3215bp,与欧洲颤杨的PtCesA1基因同源性为97%具有开放的阅读框,编码区在52~2985碱基之间,编码区为2925bp。The DNA fragment was cloned from the cDNA that was synthesized using the RNA from Chinese white poplar and verified by sequencing This cDNA clone ,designated PtoCesA1, was 3215 bp long with an opening reading frame of 2934bp extending from nucleotides 52~2985.Comprision of the nucleotide sequence of PtoCesA1 with PtrCesA1 showed 97%25 identity.
- 蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)腺苷酸转移载体基因cDNA的电子克隆In Silico Cloning of Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Adenine Nucleotide Translocator Gene cDNA
- 纤维素合成酶相似蛋白cellulose-synthase-like protein
- 纤维素合成酶(CesA)Cellulose synthase (CesA)
- TA4抗原基因cDNATA4 antigen
- 异源表达细菌二氢喋呤合成酶基因提高拟南芥叶酸含量的研究Elevation of the Folate Content of Arabidopsis Plants by Heterologous Expression of the Bacterial Gene Encoding Dihydropteroate Synthase
- 肌生成抑制基因cDNAMSTN eDNA
- 采用原位杂交技术对茶树咖啡碱合成酶基因mRNA的表达进行了研究。The expression of caffeine synthase gene mRNA in tea plant by means of in situ hybridization was investigated.
- 小鼠成釉蛋白基因cDNA全序列的克隆Cloning of full length cDNA sequence of the mouse ameloblastin
- 中国野生葡萄芪合成酶基因融合表达、纯化及多克隆抗体制备Fusion Expression and Purification of Resveratrol Synthetic Enzyme Gene from Chinese wild Vitis pseudoreticulata and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody
- 羊驼催乳素基因cDNA克隆及序列分析Molecular Cloning and Analysis of Alpaca Prolactin Gene Sequences
- 脂肪酸合成酶基因在皮下脂肪中表达及其与血清Leptin的关系Gene Expression of Fatty Acid Synthase in Subcutaneous Adipose and Its Relationship with Serum Leptin in Pigs
- 小麦BBC1基因cDNA的克隆与分析(英文)Isolation and Characterization of a BBC1 cDNA from Common Wheat
- ACC合成酶基因ACC synthase gene
- 昆明小鼠无毛基因cDNA全长序列的分子克隆Molecular Cloning of Full-long cDNA Sequences Encoding Hairless Gene in the Kunming Mouse
- ABA合成酶基因ABA biosynthetic genes
- 香蕉果实果胶裂解酶基因cDNA克隆及序列分析Cloning and sequence of cDNA fragments encoding pectate lyase genes from banana fruit