- 红芪木脂素Ahedysalignan A
- 溶剂法提取亚麻籽木脂素动力学模型的建立Establishing Dynamic Model for Flaxseed Lignans Extraction with Solvent Method
- 炙红芪Radix Hedysari Preparata
- 木脂素类lignanoids
- 红芪总黄酮Total flavonoids of Hedysarum polybotry
- 红芪总多糖THPS
- 脂氧素Alipoxin A; LXA
- 复方红芪提取液On spinal neuron in rats with sciatic nerve injury
- 蒽醌木脂素xantholignan
- 碳霉素AcarbomycinA
- 红芪多糖对不同病程糖尿病大鼠血脂的影响Effect of Red Astragalus Polysaccharide on Rat's Blood Lipid in Different Diabetic Course
- 头霉素ACephamycin A
- 木脂石euosmite
- 复方红芪减方对周围神经再生影响的实验研究Experimental study on enhancement of peripheral nerve regeneration by modified formula Radix hedysari
- 涂霉素AHehxin
- 木脂体lignan
- 红芪对类固醇性骨质疏松大鼠骨代谢生化指标的影响Experimental study of the effect of Hedysarum Polybotrys on bone metabolism in rats with glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
- 狭霉素Aangustmycin A
- 木脂内酯lignanolide
- 当归红芪超滤膜提取物对急性心肌缺血大鼠NO和CK-MB影响的实验研究Experimental Research on Effects of Ultra-filtration Extract from Angelica Sinensis and Hedysarum Polybotrys and Their Mixture on NO and CK-MB on Rat with Myocardial Ischemia