- 累Logistic模型cumulative Logistic model
- Logistic模型Logistic model
- 三参数Logistic模型Three-parameter logistic model
- 非自治Logistic模型Non-autonomous Logistic model
- 应用LOGISTIC模型探求豆科牧草传粉蜂类种群最佳密度的研究A Sfudy of Opfimisfical densify of Bee Populafion in the Legumes Crop Field with Logistic Model
- 女佣累得打瞌睡。The maid nodded with fatigue.
- 疲累tired; worn-out
- LPM模型和Logistic模型对于财务虚假的判别结果基本一致,效果也基本相同。The differentiation results of LPM model and Logistic model false to the financial fraud are unanimous basically.
- 他总是抱怨如何如何累。He is always moaning about how tired he is.
- 不累的unwearied
- 采用 BMD1 3 1软件中的Logistic模型计算BMD和BMD的95%可信区间下限(BMDL)。The logistic model in BMDS Version 1.3.1 was used to calculate BMD and the lower limit of BMD 95%25 confidence range(BMDL).
- "我确实感到累了," 老人说。"I do feel tired, " the old man said.
- 到达目的地时,我们又累又饿。We reached our destination, tired and hungry.
- 她为债务所累。She was encumbered with debts.
- 他有各式各样的模型飞机。He has all manner of model planes.
- 鲍勃完成这项工作后有点累了。Bob was kind of tired when he finished the job.
- 模板匹配模型template matching model
- 真累人!What a strain!
- 塑造它们的模型已毁。The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 疲累的tired