- 粘多糖贮积症Ⅰ型mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅰ
- 粘多糖贮积病IH/S型mucopolysaccharidosis IH/S
- 黏多糖贮积症mucopolysaccharidosis
- 肝病包括黄疸、肝炎、肝硬化、肿瘤、血管阻塞、脓疮和肝醣贮积病。"Liver disorders include jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumours, vascular obstruction, abscess, and glycogen-storage diseases"
- 黏多糖贮积症Ⅱ型mucopolysaccharidosis type Ⅱ
- 粘多糖病IH/S型MPS IH/S
- 疳积病是上帝派来教育胃的。Indigestion is charged by the good God with preaching morality to stomachs.
- 粘多糖累积病Ⅰ型Mucopolysaccharidosis I
- 粘脂贮积症Ⅱ型(mucolipidosis typeⅡ)Ⅰ-cell disease
- 贮积病thesaurosis
- 粘多糖贮积症mucopolysaccharidosis
- 脂质贮积病lipoidosis
- 粘脂贮积症Ⅱ型mucolipidosis type Ⅱ又称Ⅰ-细胞病(I-cell disease)。 由于N-乙酰葡糖胺-1-磷酸转移酶缺乏引起的疾病。
- 铁贮积病iron storage disease
- 粘脂贮积症Ⅲ型mucolipidosis type Ⅲ; pseudo-Hurler polydystrophy(由于N-乙酰葡糖胺-1-磷酸转移酶缺乏引起的疾病)。
- 铜贮积病Copper storage disease
- 粘多糖贮积症IH型Hurler's syndrome; mucopolysaccharidosis type IH(由于α-L-艾杜糖苷酸酶缺乏引起的疾病。)
- 肺贮积病Storage disease of the lung
- 粘多糖贮积症IS型Scheie syndrome
- 糖元贮积病Dextrinosis