- 篮球频道BBSBBS Basketball CHANNAL
- 频道channel
- 电视频道television channel (TV channel)
- 那个篮球运动员又犯规了。The basketball player fouled again.
- 戴维是个篮球迷。David is a basketball bug.
- 校园BBScampus BBS
- 比尔对汤姆所说的打篮球比踢足球安全些的话表示怀疑。Bill called in question Tom's remark that basketball is safer than football.
- 请将电视机调到第五频道。Please tune the television set to Channel 5.
- 高校BBSuniversity BBS
- 我们队在篮球联赛中赢得冠军。Our team won the championship in the basketball tournament.
- 电影频道movie channel
- 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.
- 新闻频道news channel
- 他从篮球运动中得到乐趣。He got a bang out of basketball.
- 哪个频道?What channel?
- 这场球赛使两个北部最强的职业篮球队在一起进行较量。The game pits two of the best pro basketball teams in the North against each other.
- 目前有三个电视频道。There are at present three television channels.
- 男孩们下午打篮球。The boys played basketball in the afternoon.