- 箭毒蛙毒素Abatrachotoxinin A
- 箭毒蛙毒素A[化] batrachotoxinin A
- 箭毒蛙碱,蛙毒素batrachotoxin
- 箭毒通过阻碍肌神经交接处的胆碱能传递而发挥作用curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction
- 毒poison
- 赭曲毒素AOchratoxin A
- 箭毒蛙Arrow-Poison frog
- 蛙毒素batracotoxin
- 管箭毒一种从南美洲的防己藤中获得的纯化提取物或生物碱,用于医药和手术中使骨骼上的肌肉松弛A purified preparation or alkaloid obtained from Chondrodendron tomentosum, used in medicine and surgery to relax skeletal muscles.
- 蓖麻毒素A链Ricin A chain
- 不仅A而且not merely A but also B
- 蛙frog
- 杀毒virus killing
- 毒素toxin
- 叶毒蛙Phyllobates
- 毒素A亚单位Stx2A
- 毒的toxic
- 蛙毒素素batrachotoxin
- 排毒expulsion of toxin
- 冰毒"ice, popular name for methamphetamine hydrochloride, a deadly addictive stimulant drug"