- 空间数据库引擎(SDE)Space database engine
- 空间space
- 空间数据库引擎spatial database engine
- 数据库database
- 栅格空间数据库引擎(RasSDE)raster spatial database engine
- 引擎engine
- ArcSDE是空间数据库引擎,允许用户用关系数据库管理系统(RDBMS)存储和管理空间数据。ArcSDE is a tool that allows you to store and manage spatial data in your chosen Relation DataBase Management System (RDBMS). ArcSDE geometry data access class library of C++ based on Microsoft .
- 空间数据引擎(SDE)Spatial Database Engine
- 基于面向对象空间数据库的空间对象模型设计及其存储策略的探讨A Research for Designing and Storing the Spatial Object Model Based on OODBS
- 数据库引擎假定The Database Engine assumes that
- 对ArcSDE空间数据库执行查询,可包含空间和非空间条件。ArcSDEQuerier PerFORMs queries on an ArcSDE spatial database. The queries can have both a spatial as well as nonspatial component.
- %1(%2)%3日志文件%4的日志版本戳与数据库引擎版本戳不匹配。%251 (%252) %253The log version stamp of logfile %254 does not match the database engine version stamp.
- 空间数据库spatial database
- 地理数据库引擎geographical database engine
- 3维空间数据库3D spatial database
- 关闭嵌入式数据库引擎。Shutdown the embedded database engine.
- GML空间数据库GML spatial database
- 启动嵌入式Derby数据库引擎。Starting the embedded Derby database engine.
- 地质空间数据库geo-spatial database
- 最大时间是用户希望数据库引擎优化顾问分析工作负荷所花的小时和分钟数。The maximum time is the number of hours and minutes that you want Database Engine Tuning Advisor to spend on analysis of a workload.