- HSn62-1黄铜HSn62-1 brass
- 稀土HSn62-1黄铜RE HSn62-1 brass
- HPb59-1黄铜HPb59-1 brass
- 稀土矿物中常见的一种银色金属元素,用于镁和铝的合金中。a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys.
- HPb59-1铅黄铜HPb59-1 Lead brass
- 什么是1-2连击?What is one-two?
- 黄铜杯a brazen cup
- 2比1,伦敦队胜。Two to one in favour of the London team.
- 在黄铜上镀金to wash brass with gold
- 1Fructose 1
- 擦得铮亮的黄铜burnished brass
- 千克是1公吨。1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000
- 1.花招sleight of hand
- 铜与锌熔合成黄铜。Copper and zinc are fused to make brass.
- 1. 口才the gift of the gab
- 正电极是一个装有黄铜帽的硬碳棒。The positive electrode is a rod of hard carbon fitted with a brass cap.
- 1. 凌晨the wee small hours
- 镀黄铜于braze over
- 1.挑战throw down the gauntlet
- 他富于想象方,只几分钟就能写出1首五行打油诗。He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes.