- 科华:书写UPS华彩篇章Kehua: Writing a Flashy Chapter For UPS
- 书写to write
- 科华公司Xiamen Kehua
- 华彩乐段cadenza
- 但明天又是新的一天,到了第二天小休时间,相同的故事又再发生,又是科华和萧律柏,你猜他们选上谁?But tomorrow would be another day. So tomorrow recess happened again, choose up sides, the same story. Down to Geneva and Robert and guess who they picked this time?
- 法华彩fahuacai
- 书写错误clerical error
- 华彩段音乐会发展到尾声时独唱者加上的精巧的片段An extended virtuosic section for the soloist near the end of a movement of a concerto.
- 华彩乐章cadenza
- 回答用言语或书写的回复A response in speech or writing.
- 诗歌开始的篇章;开头的韵文。the beginning canto of the poem; the first verse.
- UPSUninterrupted Power System(UPS)
- 国会中的天境华彩A Splendid Scene from Heaven Appears in Parliament
- UPS间UPSroom
- 篇章标题chapter headings
- 请用印刷体清楚书写。Please print plainly.
- 小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance.
- 篇章名half title
- UPS并联UPS parallel-combined
- 他用斜体字书写。He wrote in italic characters.