- 神经MOS晶体管neuron MOS transistor
- 电阻耦合型神经MOS晶体管及其差分四象限模拟乘法器The Resistance Coupling Neuron MOS Transistor and It's Difference Four-quadrant Analogue Multiplier
- 神经MOS管Neuron MOS
- 钟控神经MOS管的改进及其在多值电路中的应用Improvement of clock-controlled neuron MOS transistor and its application in multi-valued circuits
- 钟控神经MOS管clock-controlled neuron MOS
- 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up.
- 锗晶体管germanium transistor
- 他正受神经紧张之苦。He is suffering from nervous tension.
- 不通导晶体管nonconducting transistor
- 她神经崩溃了。She has had a nervous breakdown.
- 硅晶体管silicon transistor
- 刺激他神经的噪音noise wearing on his nerves
- 单结(型)晶体管unijunction transistor
- 面部神经[Anatomy] the facial nerve
- PNPN晶体管pnpn transistor
- 刺激某人的神经to jangle one's nerves
- PNP型晶体管pnp type transistor
- 周围神经疾病diseases of peripheral nerve