- 确保Web服务类型设置为Make sure the Web service type is set to
- 确保Web服务运行时设置为Make sure the Web service runtime is set to
- WS-I基本概要是一个规范,它包含一些确保Web服务相互兼容的建议。WS-I Basic Profile is a specification containing recommendations for ensuring that Web services are compatible with each other.
- 将花花图层的类型设置为覆盖。Change the layer type on Overlay.
- 点击滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊,层类型设置为叠加。Apply then Filter -Blur -Gaussian Blurand change the layer type on Multiply.
- 在接下来的页面中,选择Web服务类型On the next page, choose a Web service type of
- 所测试的Web服务类型的实例。An instance of the Web service type being tested.
- 如何:按文件类型设置编辑器选项How to: Set Editor Options by File Type
- 为当前构造中的类型设置基类型。Sets the base type of the type currently under construction.
- 例如,在Web服务类文件中指定为In the Web service class file will appear as
- 如果您在创建图表时经常使用特定图表类型,则可能希望将该图表类型设置为默认图表类型。If you use a specific chart type frequently when you create a chart, you may want to set that chart type as the default chart type.
- 获取或设置要添加到Web服务配置文件的SoapExtensionType元素的SOAP扩展类。Gets or sets the SOAP extension class to add to the SoapExtensionType element of the Web Services configuration file.
- 因此,可以为Exchange组织内的所有收件人类型设置最大接收邮件大小限制。Therefore, you can set a maximum receiving message size limit for any recipient type in your Exchange organization.
- 不为Web服务自动创建.disco文件。The. Disco file is not automatically created for a Web service.
- 将类型检查开关设置为Sets the type checking switch to
- 在Web服务类型的终结点之间拖动委托时,如果目标终结点与代理终结点的WSDL绑定名称和命名空间不匹配,将会出现一条警告。When dragging a delegation between endpoints of Web service type, a warning appears if the WSDL binding name and namespace of the target endpoint does not match the proxy endpoint.
- Web服务器控件的宽度设置为负值。The width of the Web server control was set to a negative value.
- 可以为每个文本元素类型设置“项目前景色”、“项目背景色”和“粗体”选项。Item foreground, Item background, and Bold options can be set for each type of text element.
- 此项设置主要用于Web服务单元测试。This is primarily used for Web service unit tests.
- 考虑到互操作性,不要公布那些在Web服务方法中的数值类型。For interoperability, do not expose those numerical data types in the Web service methods.