- 硬件VXDhardware VXD
- 硬件hardware
- 计算机硬件computer hardware
- 硬件平台hardware platform
- 硬件工程师hardware engineer
- 硬件配置hardware configuration
- 硬件设计hardware design
- 硬件环境hardware environment
- 硬件需求hsrdware requirements
- 近几年,硬件价格涨幅很大,但是我们的价格变动不大。Hardware have go up a lot in recent year, but our price have not changed much.
- 硬件电路hardware circuit
- 自备硬件设备self-contained hardware unit
- 从计算机的工作过程看,计算机系统是由软件和硬件组成的。A computer system is composed of software and hardware in the light of its working mode.
- 硬件故障hardware fault
- 硬件系统hardware system
- 硬件要求hardware requirement
- 硬件结构hardware configuration
- 硬件开发hardware development
- 指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
- 硬件基础Hardware Basics