- 知识密集型CBRknowledge - intensive CBR
- 知识密集型CBR应用中的案例库开发策略Semantic Web Based Case Base Development Strategy in Knowledge-intensive CBR Application
- 知识knowledge
- 知识产权intellectual property
- 计算密集型空间信息服务技术实现架构研究Research on the Technological Architecture for Implementation of the Compute-intensive Spatial Information Services
- 专业知识professional knowledge
- 知识的sciential
- 模式匹配算法是计算密集型的算法。 研究比较各模式匹配算法对提高防病毒软件和硬件的性能有重要意义。Research on the pattern matching algorithm provides guideline to improve the efficiency of antivirus software and hardware.
- 基本知识ABC
- 基础知识rudiments
- 理论知识speculative knowledge
- 知识密集型产业的运行机理和发展规则Operational Mechanism and Development Rule of Knowledge-Intensive Industries
- 自主知识产权proprietary intellectual property rights
- 背景知识background knowledge
- 钱学森创立知识密集型草产业的划时代贡献Qian Xuesen's Epoch-making Contribution to the Initiation of Knowledge-intensive Grass Industry
- 知识渊博generalism
- 专门知识professional knowledge
- 有知识的acquainted
- 知识经济knowledge economy
- 技术知识technical knowledge