- 相对次T0relative sub-To
- 相对relatively
- 相对的relative
- 相对于relative to
- 相对地reversely
- 我们每年合家团聚一次。Our family has a yearly reunion.
- 这里的农民一年播一次种子。The farmers here sow once a year.
- 相对来说comparatively speaking
- 我们每周下两三次棋。We played chess two or three times weekly.
- 这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。The exam was more difficult than I had bargained for.
- 相对位置relative position
- 我每天刷牙两次。I brush my teeth twice a day.
- 相对误差relative error
- 司机对那次车祸应负部分责任。The driver is partially to blame for the accident.
- 相对路径relative path
- 这趟上山是一次艰难的跋涉。It was a hard trudge up the hill.
- 相对稳定relative stabilization
- 我每年进一次山。I make a yearly trip to the mountains.
- 相对运动relative movement
- 第一次见面我就讨厌他了。I took against him at first sight.