- 考察相容L-domain范畴,得出了以Scott连续映射为态射的相容L-domain范畴是cartesian闭范畴的结论。In this paper we obtain that the category of consistent L-domains and Scott continuous functions is cartesian closed.
- 相容L-domainconsistent L - domain
- 相容L-domain范畴的笛卡儿闭性Cartesian Closedness of The Category of Consistent L-domains
- 相容interconsistency
- 相容性compatibility
- 不相容incompatible
- 代数L-domainalgebraic L-domain
- L阵L-array
- 相容的consistent
- 到LDao L
- 不相容的antipathic
- K-LKarhunen-Loeve
- L梁L girder
- 生物相容性biocompatibility
- L阀L loop seal
- L株L strain
- 这两种信念是互不相容的。The two beliefs are mutually exclusive.
- L 形房间an L-shaped room
- ω相容的ω-consistent