- 白桦花芽RNA的快速提取Rapid Extracting RNA from Stamen Tissue of White Birch
- 稗草DNA的快速提取研究Extraction of total DNA from Barnyard grass
- 树木的花芽,可能是顶生的。Flower buds trees can be produced terminally.
- DCT域图像边缘的快速提取Fast detection of image edge based on DCT compressed domain
- 太白红杉总DNA的快速提取方法Quick effect method of Larix chinensis DNA extraction
- 电子的快速运动使得缓动的核把电子“看成”象电核云,而不是象分立的粒子。The rapid motion of the electros causes the sluggish nuclei to "see" the electron as a charge cloud, rather than as a discrete particle.
- 总RNA的提取Total RNA extraction
- 请点击左边的快速链接浏览您想要申请的那类签证的有关信息。Please use the links on the side bar to navigate to information about the visa type you wish to apply for.
- 多目标视频运动分析系统中的多几何特征参数快速提取实现Fast geometric parameters extraction in multi-target video motion processing systems
- 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。His insincerity is revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes.
- 模板的快速制备Preparation of DNA PCR pattern plate of plasmid in E. Coli
- 植物基因组的快速提取Extraction of genomic DNA from whole blo
- 摘要设计了一种用于半自动生化分析仪的快速多波长分光光度系统。A multichannel spectrophotometric system has been designed for semi-automatic biochemical analyzer to carry out high speed measurement.
- 经纬仪的快速架设Transit instrument setting up quickly
- 杜仲叶和树皮总RNA的快速提取法Fast extraction of RNA in barks and leaves of Eucommia ulmoides Olive
- 守门员的快速预期动作a fast anticipatory movement by the goalkeeper
- 石蜡包埋组织快速DNA提取方法在诊断病理PCR分析中的应用研究Rapid DNA Extraction from Archival Paraffin-embedded Tissue: A Modified Method Available to PCR Analysis for Diagnostic Pathology
- 能射门得分的快速边锋a pacy winger who can also score goals
- 高速公路上的快速道Express lanes on the freeway
- 水平集曲线演化快速提取足迹轮廓Fast Footprint Contour Extraction by Curve Evolution via Level Sets