- 光鳃鱼chromide
- 雀鲷雀鲷科中一种小型的热带海洋鱼,身体侧面扁平,通常色彩艳丽Any of various small tropical marine fishes of the family Pomacentridae, having laterally compressed, usually brightly colored bodies.
- 光light
- 小雀鲷一种(海金鱼雀鲷科)呈亮橙色或桔黄色的雀鲷,产于加利福尼亚南部海岸的水域中A bright orange or yellow-orange damselfish(Hypsypops rubicundus) native to coastal marine waters of southern California.
- 光的photic
- 雀lentigo
- 用光finish up
- 鳃gills of fish
- 走光fog
- 鲷pagrus major
- 夜光noctilucence
- 鲷鱼bream
- 光是just
- 光伏photovoltaic
- 暮光evening twilight
- 分光光度计spectrophotometer
- 雀鲷damselfish
- 有光glazed
- 雀鲷科Pomacentridae
- 光大银行Everbright Bank