- 番茄汁、沙司、汤、酱.Tomato juice,sauce,soup,ketchup
- 番茄汁、 沙司、 汤、 酱.tomato juice, sauce, soup, ketchup
- 司company
- 汤soup
- 我可以来一杯番茄汁吗?May I have a tomato juice?
- 番茄汁tomato juice
- 肉馅饼卷在米饭里,在番茄沙司里慢炖。meat patties rolled in rice and simmered in a tomato sauce.
- 你要汤还是要番茄汁?Do you want soup or tomato juice?
- 鞑靼沙司tartare sauce
- 我要一杯番茄汁。I like a glass of tomato juice.
- 干豆和猪肉、番茄沙司一起烹制。dried beans cooked with pork and tomato sauce.
- 稠番茄汁thick tomato sauce
- 面食用沙司;含有蘑菇、火腿、剁碎的蔬菜、牛肉和西红柿酱。sauce for pasta; contains mushrooms and ham and chopped vegetables and beef and tomato paste.
- 番茄汁虾球Shrimp Balls in Tomato Sauce
- 苹果馅饼加蛋奶沙司.apple pie and custard
- 番茄汁,谢谢。Tomato juice, please.
- 我把瓶子一捏,沙司就挤出来了。I squeezed the bottle and the sauce squirted out.
- 高静水压杀菌番茄汁。Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the sterilization of tomato juice.
- 欧芹沙司.parsley sauce
- 比萨饼有和面包相似的饼皮,饼皮上调有番茄汁、奶酪、蔬菜和肉。Pizza has a bread-l ike crust that is covered with tomato sauce, cheese and vegetables or meat.