- 生物医用NiTi合金biomedical NiTi alloy
- 通过化学表面处理在医用NiTi形状记忆合金上形成了主要成分为羟基磷灰石的活钙磷层。A Ca P layer (mainly composed of Ca 10 (PO 4) 6(OH) 2 ) was deposited on the surface of NiTi shape memory alloy.
- NiTi合金激光气体氮化对其生物活性的影响Effect of Laser Gas Nitriding for Biological Activities on NiTi Alloy
- 第三代生物医用材料Third-generation biomedical materials
- 生物医用光学技术的发展趋势Developing trend of biomedical optical technology
- 放射性NiTi合金血管内支架可行性及安全性的实验观察Experimental study on the feasibility and safety of radioactive nitinol stents
- 退火对NiTi合金材料表面氧离子注入所产生残余应力影响的试验研究Effect of annealing on residual stress of NiTi alloy implantated by oxygen ion
- 生物医用多孔金属材料的研究进展Development of Porous Metals Used as Biomaterials
- 生物医用纳米羟基磷灰石的研究进展Development of Nanometer Hydroxyapatite in Medical Science
- 稀土金属混合而成的发火合金。a pyrophoric alloy made from a mixture of rare-earth metals.
- 能在不同温度焊接的合金alloys that weld at different heats
- Ti5Si3/NiTiTi5Si3/NiTi
- 用黑色合金装饰或镶嵌To decorate or inlay with niello.
- 她的专业是生物化学。Her specialty is biochemistry.
- 这些合金中的铬占了很大的成分。One of these alloys contained a high percentage of chromium.
- 这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见。These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes.
- 衬底温度对NiTi薄膜晶化温度的影响Effect of Substrate Temperature on Crystallization Temperature of NiTi Thin Films
- 铁耗少的恒导磁率铁镍钴合金super isoperm
- 这学期我准备选修生物化学。I plan to take biochemistry this semester.
- 医用滴瓶Dropper bottles for medical purposes