- 生成和部署CAB文件Building and Deploying the CAB File
- 已将与生成和部署相关的文件信息移至生成Analysis Services项目。Moved build and deployment related file information to Building Analysis Services Projects.
- 文件document
- 描述用于生成和部署解决方案和项目的选项。Describes options for building and deploying solutions and projects.
- 生成be produced
- 删除文件del
- 更改生成和部署模型Changed Build and Deployment Model
- 保存文件save file
- 文件列表listed files
- 文件类型file type
- 按F5以生成和部署该项目。Press F5 to build and deploy the project.
- 编辑外部应用程序清单以指向新的程序集位置和部署清单。Edit the external application manifest to point to the new assembly location and the deployment manifest.
- 一种能生成和传送代表数据或话音的信号的装置。A device that can generate and propagate signals representing data or speech.
- 现在已有多种不同的IP传真技术与方法得到了开发和部署。A number of different technologies and approaches to IP fax are currently being developed and deployed.
- 认为棉花植株主要通过促进木质素生成和增加积累量以强化组织结构。It is deemed that in cotton reinforcing physical structure mainly through promoting lignin synthesis and increasing lignin accumulation.
- 这种灵活性将让设备厂商在开创和部署新的网络技术和协议方面更有进取心。This flexibility allows equipment vendors to be much more aggressive in creating and deploying new network technologies and protocols.
- 重新生成和运行脚本的次数取决于报表服务器数据库连接是如何配置的。The number of times you regenerate and run the script depends on how you configured the report server database connection.
- 来创建和部署一个BAR文件。To create and deploy a BAR file.
- MDA的公共基础也会促进部分代码的生成和实现,当然这些代码不是标准化的。Their common basis in MDA will also promote partial generation of implementation code, but that code, of course, will not be standardized.
- 使用现有密钥文件为应用程序和部署清单签名To sign application and deployment manifests using an existing key file