- 班级管理的CI导入CI Input for Class Supervision
- 管理management
- CI导入CI led
- 班级管理的创新:行政人员担任班主任Innovation in Class Management: On Administrative Staff As the Teacher in Charge of a Class
- CI导入在建筑设计院的应用研究A study of CI application in architectural design institute
- 管理器manager
- 资源管理器explorer
- 科技期刊品牌推广的CI战略CI Strategy to Popularize Chinese Sci-Tech Journals'Brands
- 作为竞争中导航系统的CI竞争对手分析CI Competitor Analysis as a Navigational System for Competition
- 班规的建立与班级管理的实践Setting up the Class Rules and Practising of Managing Class
- 信息管理information management
- 企业管理business management
- 管理的managing
- 管理人员manager
- 质量管理quality control
- 工商管理business administration
- 日本企业实行严格自主环境管理的原因及其对中国的启示Reasons to Implement Stringently Voluntary Environmental Management in Japanese Enterprises and Their Inspirations to China
- 班主任与班级管理Class Sponsor and Class Management
- 阿利效应及其对生物入侵和自然保护中小种群管理的启示Allee effect and its significance to small population management in nature reservation and biological invasions
- 论"制裁"及其班级管理的实践意义--一个社会人类学的视角On "Sanction" and Its Practical Function for Classroom Administration--An Angle of View form Social Anthropology