- 现代DSS设计要点分述Important Pints On The Construction of Modern DSS
- 现将本案案情、仲裁庭意见和裁决分述如下The opinion of arbitration court and the ruling states of this case as follows
- 毕业设计diploma project
- 本文讲述了转子流量计测量不确定度的评定。具体分述各个分量的产生。The text narrates the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement for rotameter, specifying the engenderof various heft.
- 平面设计planar design
- 在现代in modern times
- 旧城区绿化工程设计要点The main points of the planting design for Changchun old proper
- 高分high score
- 不分irrespective of
- 重新设计redesign
- 他用现代英语译述这首诗。He paraphrased the poem in modern English.
- 中分midsplit
- 谈棉花膜下滴灌设计要点Outlines of design of drop irrigation under cotton film
- 包装设计package design
- 报分call the score
- 再分subdivide
- 版面设计layout
- 不可分impartibility
- 条码解码系统DSS的硬件设计Hardware Design of Dss System
- 模具设计mold design