- 玛蹄脂PG分级PG standard of matrix
- 沥青玛蹄脂Asphalt mastic
- 沥青玛蹄脂碎石stone matrix asphalt
- 沥青玛蹄脂性能试验研究Study of the test for the characterization of SMA mortars
- 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料(SMA)stone matrix asphah(SMA)
- PG分级PG
- PG分级评价PG specification evaluation
- 环氧沥青玛蹄脂粘弹性能的细观研究On Viscous-elastic Property of Epoxy Asphalt Concrete Using Micro-mechanism
- 第二,通过DSR、BBR、Brookfield旋转粘度试验,用PG分级评价体系对岩沥青改性沥青进行比较分析。In the second part, the performances of gilsonite modified bitumen are compared and analyzed with PG appraisal system through DSR, BBR and Brookfield revolving viscosity tests.
- 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料的集料级配优化Opthimizations of aggregate gradation for stone mastic asphalt mixture
- SMA沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面的工程质量控制Engineering Quality Control of SMA Asphalt Mastic Crushed Stone Pavement
- φ分级标准φ grade scale
- 按大小分级机size grader
- 奶油是从乳脂中提取而成的。Butter is made from cream.
- 阿特伯土粒分级Atterberg scale
- 汽油溶解油脂。Gasoline cuts oil and grease.
- 马的疽疡症马的类似于蹄间腐烂但较之更为严重的一种病况A condition in horses similar to but more advanced than thrush.
- 道成肉身上帝之子耶稣由玛丽亚孕育并且耶稣是真正的神和真正的人的基督教教义The Christian doctrine that the Son of God was conceived in the womb of Mary and that Jesus is true God and true man.
- 载脂蛋白apolipoprotein
- 阿玛蒂提琴Amati