- 猫鼬行动Operation Mongoose
- 猫鼬计划Operation Mongoose
- 尾巴长而细的海岛猫鼬。a meerkat with a thin and elongated tail.
- 猫cat
- 斩behead
- 研究发现:猫鼬会教授幼仔捕猎Meerkats teach their young to hunt, study finds
- 南非白天活动的穴居海岛猫鼬;经常被当作宠物养。burrowing diurnal meerkat of southern Africa; often kept as a pet.
- 小猫kitten
- 快刀斩乱麻cut the knot
- 猫咪kitty
- 鼬stoat
- 猫的feline
- 斩波chopping
- 臭鼬skunk
- 龙猫galesaur
- 猎人捕得一只臭鼬。The hunter snared a skunk.
- 躲猫猫peekaboo
- 鼬鼠weasel
- 老猫grimalkin
- 黑猫Craven "A" [England]