- 独立新风系统(DOAS)DOAS
- 冷却顶板与独立新风相结合系统的CFD研究CFD Study about Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panels Combined with the Isolated Outdoor Air Systems
- 系统system
- 新风系统fresh air system
- 独立to be independent
- 系统的systemic
- 独立的unaided
- 实现新风系统经济运行的控制方法研究The Study of the Control Methods for Economic Operation of Outdoor Air System
- 主动DOASactive DOAS
- 信息系统information system
- DOAS准确度DOAS accuracy
- 独立地independently
- 差分吸收光谱(DOAS)DOAS
- 系统信息system information
- 独立宣言the Declaration of Independence
- 差分吸收光谱仪(DOAS)DOAS
- 系统管理员system administrator
- 差分吸收光谱技术(DOAS)different optical absorption spectroscopy(DOAS)
- 独立思考independent thinking
- 全新风系统All fresh air system