- 物质流分析(MFA)material flow analysis (MFA)
- 经济系统物质流分析(EW-MFA)economy-wide material flow analysis (EW-MFA)
- 试论以物质流分析方法为基础建立我国循环经济指标体系Exploration on Founding the Index System of Circular Economy of China on the Basis of Material Flow Analysis
- 基于三维物质投入产出表的区域物质流分析模型Regional material flow analysis model based on three-dimensional physical input-output table
- 物质流核算与分析(MFA)Material flow accounting and analysis
- 物质流分析material flow analysis (MFA)
- 码流分析TS analysis
- 具有内部物质流的Stefan问题解的唯一性Uniqueness of solution of a Stefan problem with internal convection
- 泄流分析aerial drainage analysis
- 物质流material flow
- 渗流分析seepage analysis
- 暗物质流dark matter flux
- 能流分析energy flow analysis
- 物质流图Material flow chart
- 模流分析mold flow analysis
- 物质流计算citizens' living
- 铅流分析lead flow analysis
- 物质流管理material flow management
- 价值流分析Value stream analysis
- 物质流特征Mass Sustainable material flow characteristics