- 熟练操作MS软件To be proficient in MS Software
- 对业务流程以及客户需求有一定了解并熟练操作MS办公软件。Understand business process, able to document user requirements, good at MS Office system.
- 具有基本的英语读写能力,并能熟练操作微软办公软件。Basic English reading and writing skills and familiar with MS Office.
- 我能够熟练操作计算机。I am skilled in operating a computer.
- 熟练操作办公软件和CAD绘图技巧。Familiar with office software and basic CAD skills.
- 不熟练inexpertness
- 他会操作这台机器。He knows how to handle the machine.
- 不熟练操作者unskilled operative
- 大量家务活可用机械化操作。A good deal of housework can be mechanized.
- 不熟练的unversed
- 这台机器很难操作。This machine is awkward to handle.
- 这场竞赛始于1981年,当时MS-DOS使用几种软件“圈套”,冒充硬件完成了某些功能。This race started in 1981 when MS-DOS used several software "trickeries" to fake the hardware into exploiting certain features.
- 你必须能说流利的英语,熟练操作电脑。You need to be fluent in English and be good at using computers.
- 一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。A skilled technician takes years to train.
- 属于某一操作装置的组成部分的硬件或软件。Hardware or software that is part of a functional unit.
- 部分工人都被挤出了工厂,只有最熟练的工人还留在那里。Most of the workers were squeezed out of the factory, only the best ones are there now.
- 熟练的网球手an adroit tennis player
- 此列中的值不会影响软件的操作。The value in this column does not affect the operation of the software.
- 她的英语口语很熟练。She has a good command of spoken English.
- 熟练操作铣床,砖床,磨床,车床(其中2总以上)优先考虑.Capable of operating milling machine, drill machine, grinder, lathe machine.