- 照相装置间的B门拔杆time lever
- 大吨位网架采用绞磨拔杆整体吊装的体会The integral hoisting of large-tonnage space truss adopting winching and rocker method
- (演员的)动作演员在舞台上为了填补背台词间的停顿和提供有趣的细节所做的附加动作An incidental action performed by an actor on the stage to fill a pause between lines or to provide interesting detail.
- 法国受委托调停该两国间的纷争。France was asked to arbitrate the dispute between the two nations.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 我听见门在嘎吱作响。I heard the door squeaking.
- 安装循环装置,将过程A中的冲洗用水回用在过程B中。install equipment to recycle water used for rinsing in Process A for reuse in Process B
- (两者间的)界限并不总是那么清楚明显的。The dividing line is not always marked and clear.
- 这门有一个弹簧插销。The door has a snap bolt.
- 强盗猛地拔出一把刀来。The robber whipped out a knife.
- 照相用电子闪光装置闪光指数的确定Determination of flash guide numbers for electronic photoflash equipment
- 她将围裙系在腰间。She tied an apron around her waist.
- 这门课程是更深入学习所必修的。This course is a prerequisite to more advanced studies.
- 驴头上挂抽油杆的装置mule-head hanger
- 他们为度假租了一间小屋。They rented a cabin for their vacation.
- (茎)贯顶的,(树性)塔状的主轴延伸成不分枝的茎或杆的,如云杉Having a single, undivided trunk with lateral branches, as in spruce trees.
- 一只灰色的松鼠在树枝间跳来跳去。A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb.
- (自动控制的)超驰,超驰控制装置用于抵消自动控制的装置或系统A mechanism or system used to counteract an automatic control.
- 我们沿着他在雪地上留下的足迹走到一间小屋旁。We followed his tracks in the snow to a hut.
- 如果你不认真自己并且开始学习,你这门课题是不通过的。If you don't get wise to yourself and start studying you will fail the course.