- 点火脱离(IOD)测试Ignition OFF (IOD) Test
- 测试measure and test
- 进行测试test
- 印度洋偶极子(IOD)IOD
- 测试结果test result
- 软件测试software test
- IOD对ENSO影响亚澳地区降水和气温的干扰作用Interferences of IOD in the ENSO-Effect on the Interannual Variations of the Precipitation and Air Temperature in Asian and Australian Regions
- 他脱离现实。He is out of touch with reality.
- 心理测试psychological test
- 开点火开关turn on the ignition
- 诊断沙特阿拉伯半岛上空对流层湿度和IOD及ENSO的影响Diagnosis of Tropospheric Moisture over Saudi Arabia and Influences of IOD and ENSO
- 要想在一个脱离出去的有几百万人口的地区控制局面决非易事。It's no simple matter to bring a break-away region of several millions to heel.
- 测试报告test report
- 苹果不同矮砧与其对应中间砧植株POD、IOD酶活性的研究Studies on the POD and IOD Activities of the Dwarfing Stocks and Red Fuji Apple Grafted on Corresponding Interstocks
- 点火[触发]极ignition anode
- 你的行动似乎有些脱离实际。Your action seems several removes from reality.
- 测试方法test method(s)
- 弗兰肯斯泰因脱离了创造者的控制并最终毁灭创造者的媒介或作品An agency or a creation that slips from the control of and ultimately destroys its creator.
- 不同基因型桃叶片IOD活性和还原性糖、氨基酸含量与树体矮化的关系Correlation of IOD Activity,the Contents of Amino Acid and Reducing Sugar in Peach Leaves with Trees Dwarf Degree in Different Genotype
- 性能测试performance test