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- 点击查看详情。The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting.
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- 在PDF文件上增加导览栏按钮的操作Operation of adding guiding bar button on PDF file with Adobe Acrobat
- 请点击查看大图Click the thumbnail see full size
- 利用共享软件将方正大样转换成PDF文件How to Convert Founder PS File into PDF File with Share Software
- 点击查看剖视图Click to view cut away photo
- 你需要Adobe Reader软件来打开PDF文件。You need Adobe Reader software to open PDF file.
- 巧用现有资源将方正PS制成高清晰PDF文件Skill to Use Existing Resources to Turn Founder PS Files into High-Resolution PDF Files
- 点击查看找道具。Click on View to find props.
- 直接打印数码相机拍摄的照片和PDF文件,无需使用计算机Direct printing from digital camera and PDF files without using a PC
- 点击这里click here
- 主要介绍了航空规章采用PDF文件格式,使用了书签、链接功能;This paper mostly introduces how to adopt PDF file format with the function of bookmark and link for aircraft regulation.
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