- 灭火组件<装在小型卡车或拖车上的移动式水罐、胶管卷盘和水泵booster unit
- 移动式水罐灭火组件<由一只水罐slip-on tanker
- 自动喷水灭火系统中几个组件的设置Location of Some Components in Automatic Spray Fire- Extinguish Systems
- 用白色组件的厨房a fitted kitchen with white units
- 摇臂组件Rocker Arm Components
- 水可以灭火。Water will quench a fire.
- 组件类component class
- 灭火不论水清浑。Foul water as soon as fair will quench hot fire.
- 组件法component method
- 加油不是灭火法。Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it.
- 编辑组件Edit symbols
- 当废物堆着火时,李拿了灭火器准备灭火。Lee stood by with a fire extinguisher while the trash was burning.
- 微组件micro component
- 灭火桶Fire Bucket
- 无组件non-components
- 救火机, 灭火机a fire engine
- 编译组件包Compile package
- 灭火;熄火EXTING = extinguish
- 灭火蒸气extinguishing vapour