- 火车中间折成V字形。The train jack-knifed.
- 野鸭排成V字形飞到南方去过冬。Wild ducks fly in a V-shape when they are going south for the winter.
- 中间折裙fly-front skirt
- 前身中间折暗裥的裙子fly front skirt
- 把那块布从中间折起来。Fold the piece of cloth in the middle.
- 折broken (as of rope stick)
- 不成won't do
- 中间middle
- 他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。He snapped the stick in two.
- 野鸭以V字形飞往南方过冬。Wild ducks fly in a V-shape when they are going south for the winter.
- 八成eighty percent
- 中间的midterm
- 折起turn up
- 火车费已从他工资中扣除。The train fare has already been taken out from his salary.
- 他看电视时双腿呈V字形伸开。His legs sprawl out in V while he was watching TV.
- 成正比be directly proportional; direct proportion
- 开往布赖顿市的火车在第几站台?Which platform does the Brighton train leave from?
- 在中间intermediately
- 折纸paper folding
- 八字形eight