- 满90分的学生评为甲等.Pupils with 90%25 or more are awarded Grade A.
- 满90分的学生评为甲等。Pupils with 90%25 or more are awarded Grade A.
- 最优秀的学生评为甲等。The best students are graded A.
- 满packed
- 在有一位大一点的学生照料他以前,他在这所新学校里一直感到不适应。He felt out of place at the new school until one of the older pupils took him under his wing.
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。""When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 他是主修数学的学生。He is a mathematics major.
- 他原是个相当平常的学生。He was rather a pedestrian student.
- 五分之三的学生是女性。Three fifths of the students are women.
- 学生头脑里给塞满了太多的具体知识。Students were overloaded with facts.
- 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men.
- 他是耶鲁大学比我高两级的学生。He was my senior at Yale by two years.
- 诚实的学生鄙视作弊。Honest students despise cheating.
- 班极里的学生故意向老师问了许多不着边际的问题,使老师大为恼火。The class got the teacher's monkey up by deliberately asking a lot of irrelevant questions.
- 我们学院的学生总计两千人。The students of our college total two thousand.
- 导师严厉地斥责了不用功的学生。The tutor flayed the idle students.
- 成绩好的学生免上自修课。Good students are exempted from attending study hall.
- 教授的讲课吸引住了他的学生。The professor carried his students along with his lecture.
- 哈里是个肯下苦功的学生。Harry is a painstaking student.
- 他的学生对他都很尊敬。All his students held him in high esteem.