- 浅谈EJB及其开发部署The Research of EJB and Development & Deployment of EJB
- 浅谈白城市水资源优势及其开发潜力Briefly talking water resources superiority and development potential
- 捕捉旅游信息促进经济发展--浅谈旅游信息在贺州市经济决策中的地位及其开发利用Capture the Tourist Information to Promote the Economic Development-Talking about the Position of the Tourist Information in the Economic Decision -making of Hezhou City and Its Development and Utilization
- 浅谈凤文化及其审美形象延伸The Phoenix Culture of the Chus and the Extension of Its Aesthetic Image
- 浅谈游记及其特征A Brief Talk on the Travels and Its Feature
- 过刊资源的优势及其开发利用A Brief Talk on the Advantages and the Use of Back- number Periodical Resource
- 浅谈标记理论及其应用On Markedness Theory and Its Use in Daily Life
- 辣木的研究现状及其开发前景Actuality of study on Moringa oleifera and their exploitive foreground
- 浅谈北方屋顶绿化及其作用A Brief Talk On The Roof Greening And Its Function In North Area
- 浅谈钻探成本构成及其控制On Drilling Cost Structure and Its Control
- 浅论地质矿产档案资源建设及其开发利用Discussions on Construction and Utilization of Record Resources in Geology and Mineral Resources
- 浅谈气象台站规划及其规划图测绘Programme of meteorological observatory and the survey of programme graph
- 浅谈学生的英语语音现状及其对策A Shallow Talk on The Present Situation of The Students'English Pronunciation and The Countermeasure Against It
- 浅谈个人计算机应用及其网络安全Research on Using Personal Computer and Its Network Security
- 浅谈播音再创造及其意义On Broadcasting Re-creation and Its Significance
- 浅谈活断层及其研究方法Discussions on active faults and their study methods
- 浅谈产品欺诈及其法律责任On Commodity Fraudulence and Related Legal Liability
- 浅谈苏轼诗学理论及其创作Discuss about the Theory of Poem and Invent of Sushi
- 浅谈立磨研磨压力及其控制Grinding pressure of vertical mill and the control
- 全球测图项目及其应用浅谈Brief Introduction to Global Mapping Project and Its Applications