- 浅议COM~+组件的开发A Brief Report on How to Develop a COM~+ Component
- 浅议奇石资源的开发与管理On Development and Management of Grotesque Stones
- 小荷才露尖尖角--浅议我国古代科学发展的思想和社会基础The Little Lotus just Exposes its Pointed Bud -- The Ideological and Social Found-ation for the Development of Ancient Chinese Science
- COM(组件对象模型)为组件的开发和应用提供了一个标准平台。COM (Component Object Model) provides a standard platform for the development and application of components.
- 浅议民族地区县域经济发展的有效途径--来凤县经济发展刍议Effective ways Of Economic Development In Ethnic Minority Areas--On Economic Development In Loafing County
- 基于VFP的网页客户端组件的开发与应用Development and Application of Client-side Module of Web Page Based on VFP
- 浅议中国传统艺术理论对当代室内设计的启示--以南齐谢赫"六法"为例Discussion on Inspiration of the Interior Design from Traditional Chinese Artistic Theory--Take Example for "Six Theories" of Xie He
- 下一代交互电视群组通信支持组件的开发及应用Development and research on community and communication supporting components for next generation interactive TV application
- 浅议煤矿抽风机电动机保护继电器的整定计算及其改进方法Adjusting Calculation and Improvement Method of Relay Protector of Exhaust Fan Motor Used in Coal Mines
- 基于COM的过程控制系统通信组件的研究与开发Research and development of COM-based process control system communication component
- 浅议Brlef talk
- 解决这些需求的一种方式是基于组件的开发,这是Workplace架构中的一个关键概念。One way to address these requirements is component-based development, which is a key concept within the Workplace architecture.
- 痰饮浅议Discussion on Retention of Phlegm and Fluid
- 并以文件读取ASP组件为例,对Visual Basic中组件的开发作了具体阐述,并应用于Web应用程序。With examples of data-input ASP component, the components development of Visual Basic have been amply described and introduced into Web Application.
- 浅议沉默权On the Right of Silence
- 浅议魏晋风度Discussion about the Demeanour in Wei and Jin Dynasty
- 自1965年以来,Goetting KG一直从事无线数据通讯以及车辆、船舶导航定位组件的开发和制造业务。Since 1965 Goetting KG has been developing and manufacturing components for wireless data communication as well as vehicle and crane guidance and positioning.
- 浅议存货监盘Discussion on Goods in Stock Scrutinizing Stocktaking
- 浅议地板采暖Discussion on the Floor Heating
- 城墙景观浅议On the Scene of Rampart